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Get to know A Reason To Smile (ARTS)

Bookkeeping For Dentists

Note from Bookkeeping for Dentists: Below is a guest post from the founder of ARTS, Gunther Heyder. He is the dentist of our Senior Accounting Associate, Terri Nomm. Terri has had so many nice things to say about Dr. Heyder and the foundation he started so we wanted to help spread the word. A Reason to Smile (ARTS) is more than our name. It's a mantra.

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Those Pesky Perio Problems

Queen of Dental Hygiene

Recently, on Facebook, a hygienist posted a question to the group: “What mouthrinse should I have my patient use to help with a bleeding gum, moderate tartar build up and a bad breath problem?” Ah, were it that easy; a simple mouth rinse switch could wash all those problems down the drain. Rather than try to answer that question in one of those little bubbles on Facebook, I decided to give her and you, my wonderful readers, an answer here.


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2020 Foresight: Three Ways to Increase Profitability

David Schwab & Associates, Inc.

The year 2020 is not only a new year but a new decade. Here are three ways to increase profitability in your dental practice. Commit to larger cases. Demographic trends portend more older patients with increasing dental needs. There is also a growing market for orthodontics—for both children and adults. A restorative dentist told me recently that he has shifted his focus to larger cases.

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Start 2019 By Telling Me What You See!

Dental Peers

When you look around your office, tell me what you see. We all know that first impressions matter and creating a positive patient experience can start with the first impressions created by visual cues from our surroundings. So it is important to take the challenging step of seeing the impression your office creates not only through your eyes…but also through the eyes of your patients.

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What is this $&!% on my toothbrush?

Dental Buzz

This morning I threw my toothbrush into the toilet. That’s where it belongs, apparently, since I can’t seem to do the right thing to keep germs off of it. See, a few years ago there was a big news story about the aerosols that are created with every toilet flush. I call this phenomenon “Fecal […].

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Using Email to Market Your Dental Practice

Best Online Marketing Companies for Dentists

When you think of your practice, what is your most valuable asset? (Hint: your patient base). So, what are you doing to get an ROI on existing patients? You might get overwhelmed with all the high-tech solutions and strategies available at your fingertips, but it could be time to reconsider a time-tested tool: email marketing. Email Marketing for Dentists: An Integral Growth Tool.

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Will It Be Painful to Have Root Canal Therapy?

Aerni Dental

Root canals are a procedure for saving decayed or severely infected teeth. This procedure is needed when the infection, which may have been a ‘mere toothache’ in the beginning, forms an abscess which expands throughout the tooth’s root. Done by an endodontist or a dentist, root canal therapy eliminates the infection from the insides of the tooth, and removes the pulp and nerve present inside the root canal, saving the natural tooth.

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Can You Eat Normally with Dental Implants?

Bander Dental Group

The implant (bottom), abutment (middle), and crown (top) work together to give you the appearance and function of a natural tooth. Did you recently lose a tooth? If so, you may be a candidate for dental implants so you can continue eating your favorite foods. A dental implant is a prosthetic tooth root that’s made of titanium. Once you lose a tooth, we’ll place this titanium rod in your jawbone to later support an abutment and crown.

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Can Anyone Get Dental Implants?

Brookside Dental

Finally! There’s a way to replace missing teeth, or loose dentures, with teeth that look and feel just like your natural teeth. But what’s the fine print? And more importantly, can anyone get dental implants ? To find out if you meet the requirements for dental implants, we’ll outline everything you need to know about dental implants in this article.

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Dentists as Clickbait

Dentist of Albuquerque

You know how to get people to click on your article? Here are a couple of rules: Choose an irresistible headline. You know the kind. Most potential readers are probably scrolling through Facebook waiting for something to grab their eye. So give it to them! The more bombastic, the better. Find a worst case scenario and then generalize. People don’t get upset if they don’t think something could really happen to them.

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10 Tricks to help your bookkeeper streamline your dental practice accounting.

Bookkeeping For Dentists

After recently speaking with a few clients about best practices working with Bookkeeping for Dentists, it occurred to me that these 'best practices' are also great ways to streamline your dental practice accounting when working with any accountant or bookkeeper. . Whether you work with us or not, you can help your bookkeeper with these 10 simple tips to make bookkeeping incredibly streamlined and better for everyone involved.

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Exciting Times, They Are a-Happening

Queen of Dental Hygiene

This month I received an exciting phone call! Michelle Braerman, American Dental Hygiene Association President, called me personally to announce I’d won a very prestigious award. The Hu-Friedy/ADHA Master Clinician Award. Honors a clinical hygienist who shows outstanding expertise in relating the interdependence of clinical practice and patient education for the improvement of patient compliance.

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Meet Dr. Caitlin Batchelor


Where are you from? I was born and raised in the D.C. area of Northern Virginia. I’ve actually spent most of my life in the Commonwealth, between going to school in Charlottesville at the University of Virginia (Go ‘Hoos!) and completing dental school in Richmond at Virginia Commonwealth University , formerly known as the Medical College of Virginia.

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Great Events Remind Us of the Importance of Great Generosity

Dental Peers

It was an exhausting couple of days, but reflecting back on the recently completed Annual Spring Meeting, I am left with the feeling that it was a resounding success. For many, myself included, the focus was on networking and business development. . The vast array of wonderful continuing education opportunities was also not to be missed, as top notch, international speakers descended on Toronto to share their wealth of experience.

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Lead Aprons feel so good! Here’s why.

Dental Buzz

Ever since you were a kid, you’ve known this: there’s a comfort that settles through you right before getting dental x-rays. You notice when the heavy shield gets draped over your shoulders and tummy that it’s a bit easier to relax, to open your mouth and let the dental professional twist things in your mouth […].

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Flossing: Absolutely Necessary!

Advanced Endo

Yes, You Still Have to Floss. No, the dance move “flossing” does not count. The AP recently released an article making the claim that “there’s little proof that flossing works”. Their review cited a series of studies that found flossing does little or nothing to improve oral health. Here’s the problem: the studies were flawed. The AP concluded that floss does little for oral health, but it’s important to note that the evidence they cited was very weak at best.

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Is My Dentist Just Checking for Cavities During a Dental Exam?

Aerni Dental

Seeing the dentist for a dental exam is not solely about inspecting for those dreaded cavities. There are good reasons why dentists suggest that we have a dental exam twice a year. Undoubtedly, checkups are important for having a beautiful smile and keeping your teeth and gums healthy. However, exams check for health issues that might not be strictly limited to your gums and teeth.

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Good Oral Health in Expectant Mothers is Important

Polkadot Dental

Alpharetta, GA – If you want to give your children a head start on the path to good oral health , you need to maintain good oral health during pregnancy, according to Perinatal Oral Health Practice Guidelines. Believe it or not, pregnancy dental care is extremely important. . A pregnant woman’s oral health can impact her unborn baby’s oral health status.

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What is the Process for Zoom Teeth Whitening?

Bander Dental Group

Did you know it’s possible to whiten your teeth by up to 8 shades in ONE appointment? Ask our teeth whitening dentists in Grand Rapids if you’re a candidate for Zoom. Unlike other types of teeth whitening, Zoom gives you noticeably whiter teeth in one visit to our office. That way, you’ll be able to show off your beautifully whitened smile as soon as possible!

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Do Genetics Influence Oral Health?

Brookside Dental

We’ve all heard about growing scientific evidence of the effects our genetic makeup may have on a predisposition for certain diseases such as diabetes or heart disease. But what about dental diseases? Have you inherited a genetic inclination for cavities, periodontal disease, crooked teeth, or oral cancer? You might be surprised to learn what the latest studies have to say about the connection between your genes and your oral health.

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How Do You Measure Desire?

Dentist of Albuquerque

After decades of continuous increase, life expectancy in the United States has dropped. Some sobering statistics were just released by the CDC that show white men and women as well as black men are seeing the biggest drop in life expectancy of any groups. Among the culprits of this decrease are opiate overdose and suicide. Opiate overdose deaths have increased due to availability of synthetic opioids like fentanyl and carfentanil as well as easy access to illicit opiates like heroin.

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10 Tricks to help your bookkeeper streamline your dental practice accounting.

Bookkeeping For Dentists

After recently speaking with a few clients about best practices working with Bookkeeping for Dentists, it occurred to me that these 'best practices' are also great ways to streamline your dental practice accounting when working with any accountant or bookkeeper. . Whether you work with us or not, you can help your bookkeeper with these 10 simple tips to make bookkeeping incredibly streamlined and better for everyone involved.

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To Louisville and Back

Queen of Dental Hygiene

What a summer! I so enjoyed my fabulous trip to Louisville, Kentucky to attend the American Dental Hygiene Association’s annual conference. I was honored to be awarded the Hu-Friedy/ADHA Master Clinician award. I attended many interesting and educational continuing education courses and had lots of fun after hours meeting interesting dental hygienists.

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The Truth About Root Canals


Over the years, root canals have developed a bad reputation that’s unwarranted. In many cases, a root canal is the best way to relieve the pain of a bad toothache and restore the health of your tooth. Today we want to set the record straight and clear up some of the most common misconceptions about root canals. Do I need a root canal? Root canals are used to eliminate infection deep within the tooth.

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Don’t Allow The Bully Into Your Workplace

Dental Peers

Picture working in this environment: Your entire team, led by the office manager, has conspired against you. At lunch time, there is never a chair at the table for you. Sometimes, the lunch you have prepared has been thrown out and you are left hungry for the rest of the day! When team social events are planned, not only are you not invited…you are specifically TOLD you are not welcome.

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These identical twins can both be your dentist

Dental Buzz

The novelty of seeing someone’s face repeated on another human creates a positive moment of surprise that will be instantly apparent on your own face. Do you feel genuine happiness when you encounter the miracle of identical twins? Well, maybe there’s a dental practice in your area that will engage that joy, one that […].

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Beverly Hills: Holiday Snacking That Isn’t Bad for Your Teeth

Secure Smiles

We know, holiday sweets are irresistible… but they’re also often not so great for your teeth. Those gingerbread lattes and slices of pecan pie aren’t doing your mouth any favors, even if they are festive. Fortunately, it’s surprisingly easy to enjoy holiday snacks that protect your oral health instead of harming your teeth and gums. Check out Secure Smile’s holiday snack list below and find the balance between the sweets and healthier snacking.

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Free Dental Apps That Help Teeth Brushing

Aerni Dental

Dental professionals agree—the beginning of one’s life is a vital time for establishing good dental care habits. This helps enable a person to have proper dental care throughout their life. Children need to be taught the importance of brushing and the correct way to floss. Encouraging children to adopt these practices can be a difficult task, but there are things you can do to make it easier.

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Roswell Events to Kick Off the New Year

Polkadot Dental

The new decade is about to begin! Do you have your plans set to kick off the new year in Roswell? The last decade has probably been a rollercoaster! So much can happen in a span of 10 years, and there are always so many life lessons learned. Now that we have all the knowledge we gained from the last decade, let’s make this decade the best one yet! If you are looking for some fun events to attend to in Roswell, then we have got you covered. .

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3 Myths About Natural Teeth Whitening

Bander Dental Group

Don’t believe everything you see on social media. Most types of “natural” teeth whitening can wear away your enamel and haven’t been approved by the American Dental Association. If you wish to whiten your teeth by several shades, we recommend scheduling an appointment with one of our cosmetic dentists. Continue reading to learn what 3 myths the Bander Dental Group wants you to know about natural teeth whitening.

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Finding a Local Dentist – Best way to Find Best Dentists Search Online Blog

Dental Chat

Are you looking for a dentist? Do you have a tooth problem or tooth pain problem that needs immediate dental care at a local dentist’s office? There are hundreds of thousands of individuals who experience dental problems or need immediate dental attention – who do not have a local dental office that they have been Read More. The post Finding a Local Dentist – Best way to Find Best Dentists Search Online Blog appeared first on DentalChat.

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Invisalign®: The Next Evolution of Braces

90210 Dentist

3 Min Read. The Ancient Egyptians were among t he first to experiment and use metal braces to try to straighten crooked teeth. The Greeks, Etruscans, and Romans soon followed. The method has since evolved into what we know as traditional orthodontics. For decades, metal braces have been the top standard in teeth realignment. They’ve helped thousands of people achieve a better smile.

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Ingenious dental practice payroll tools that save dentists time and money.

Bookkeeping For Dentists

You wear many hats in your dental practice, and you don't always have the time to deal with the learning curve of trying new things. When it comes to dental office payroll, you may do it the way it’s always been done, even the same as the person you purchased the practice from, but what If you could make it better? Gone are the days of paying your CPA or some outside third person to manage your dental office payroll.

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Hear One, Hear ALL – Making the Big(ger) Time!

Queen of Dental Hygiene

EP.22: Oral Health is the Crux of Overall Health. What a fun year 2019 has been! First, heading to Louisville, the award and the ADHA meeting, and now an interview with Pierre Gallant on his podcast show “When Would You Want to Know?” Click on the link above and take a listen! Forty three minutes so grab a cuppa and enjoy! Hope you learn something new.

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6 Things You Should Never Do with Your Teeth


Your teeth are pretty amazing. Sometimes, they’re even a little incredible. In 1990, Walter Arfeuille lifted 620-pound weights 6 inches off the ground.using nothing but his teeth. In 2017, Erendira Wallenda wowed the world with an “iron jaw” stunt, dangling from her teeth 300 feet above Niagara Falls. And one man (nicknamed “tug tooth”) set a record for pulling a 677-ton cargo ship with his teeth!

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Leading the Path Forward in Change

Dental Peers

As my blogs always come out on the first Monday of the month, there is a good chance I am still enjoying myself in the warm sunshine of a Caribbean cruise as you read this. But it is not just any cruise I am on. I am on the third annual Golden Girls of Dentistry Cruise. Yes… I am a male… the lone male… on the Golden Girls of Dentistry Cruise! It is a cruise we, at DentalPeers, put together to bring a number of the greatest minds in dental consulting together to share our knowledge, experience an

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Why Do Dental Implants Fail?

Denton Dental Center

Over 500,000 people per year are turning to dental implants to replace their missing teeth because they are the most reliable option. In fact, they have over a 95% success rate, and they can last for decades with the right aftercare. Unfortunately, dental implants can fail. Although it’s rare, there are a few common reasons complications that can occur.