
When is Orthodontic Treatment like FASTBRACES Needed?

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When is Orthodontic Treatment like FASTBRACES Needed?


If your teeth are crooked or crowded, our dentist Dr. Chris Bockrath may recommend orthodontics. Orthodontic care is focused on correcting irregularities in the alignment of your teeth and jaws, such as misaligned teeth, crowded teeth, gapped teeth, and misalignment in the bite (like an overbite, crossbite, underbite, or open bite). 

Most patients understand that orthodontic treatment can improve the appearance of their smile. Though that’s generally the case, some patients aren’t aware that straightening their teeth can also provide them with optimal oral health and function. When your teeth are aligned correctly, you are typically at a lower risk for dental problems like tooth decay and gum disease. Further, having straight teeth also helps in your ability to speak, chew, and eat properly. Here at Mountain Aire Dentistry, we offer FASTBRACES orthodontic treatments. 


FASTBRACES is a comprehensive orthodontic treatment, like traditional braces. It is a doctor-prescribed treatment to address bite problems, crowded or crooked teeth, spacing, and more. For many patients who try FASTBRACES, results can be delivered in about 100 days. With traditional braces, the first year is spent pulling the crowns of the teeth into proper alignment and then the roots are moved into place during year two. The technology behind FASTBRACES allows the process of straightening the roots to an upright position from day one, making it a much more efficient option. 

What are Signs Orthodontic Work is Needed? 

If you have any of the following conditions, we encourage you to look into orthodontic care to give you the healthiest smile possible. 

Your teeth are crooked

Crooked teeth are common for many people, children and adults alike. When teeth aren’t aligned, it can cause cosmetic and health issues. Healthline lists the common oral health issues often caused by crooked teeth are:

  • Periodontal disease (gum disease) 
  • Chewing and digestive problems 
  • Excess wear and tear of the teeth, gums, and jaw muscles
  • Speech difficulties
  • Self-esteem issues 

You have bite problems 

Common bite problems include overbite, crossbite, underbite, and open bite. In orthodontics, the American Association of Orthodontists explains, the ‘bite’ is what refers to how your upper and lower teeth come together. A ill-fitting bite, also known as a malocclusion, happens when the teeth meet improperly or don’t meet up at all. Every person has a different bite problem, but there are seven broad types. Those are:

  • Crossbite – where the upper teeth fit inside the lower teeth
  • Underbite – where the power jaw sits in front of the upper jaw
  • Open bite – where the back teeth are together an the upper and lower don’t overlap, or when the front teeth come together but the back teeth don’t 
  • Deep bite – when the upper front teeth cover the bottom teeth too much
  • Crowding – where the teeth don’t have sufficient space to grow in, this can happen when there’s inadequate space in the jaw 
  • Spacing – this happens where there is too much space between teeth due to oversized jaws or missing teeth
  • Protrusion – which is when the front teeth stick out (‘buck’ teeth) 

If you have crooked teeth or signs of any of these jaw issues, orthodontic care is your best bet to get your teeth aligned and your smile straight. 

Is Orthodontic Treatment Only for Kids?

Many people get orthodontic work as children, starting their treatments anywhere from the ages of 6 to 13. However, orthodontics isn’t only for kids. In fact, the number of adults who receive orthodontic treatment has risen by 40% in the last 10 years. 

The Benefits of Orthodontic Care + FASTBRACES

One of the biggest benefits to using FASTBRACES for straightening teeth is the short time frame it can happen within. Many patients see a noticeable difference in their smiles in a matter of a few weeks, and some could be out of the braces in about 100 days. Another big plus is the decreased reported pain with FASTBRACES over other options like traditional braces. In fact, the creator never prescribed pain medication to his thousands of patients. Further, the speedy alignment of FASTBRACES assists dentists by making certain procedures less difficult, such as cleaning the crooked teeth, installing crowns, veneers or implants.

If you want to see before and after photos with patients who have received FASTBRACES treatment, click here

Consult with Dr. Chris Bockrath about Orthodontic Care

If you wish you had a straighter smile or if you’re experiencing jaw problems, come see Dr. Bockrath about receiving FASTBRACES treatment. Located conveniently in Broomfield, Colorado, we’re here for all of your orthodontic needs. Call today to book your consultation at (303)-731-7755. 


291 E Flatiron Crossing Dr,
Broomfield, CO 80021

(303) 731-7755


When you visit our Broomfield dental office, your smile is our top priority. Our Dentists invite you to experience the difference a warm and caring team can provide for you and your family. Enjoy a unique and comfortable dental experience designed to bring a healthier and happier smile back into your life. We invite you to call or visit our Broomfield dental office and discover the exceptional difference we offer to those we serve.