dental-implant-phoenix-endodontistWhen making a major investment, it’s always wise to do some research. No one wants to commit funds to something not a trusted, proven solution – especially when facing a painful dental condition demanding attention.

Dental implants financially benefit recipients in many ways. Some of the financial benefits are clear, such as a long-lasting return on your investment in preserving your smile. While more obvious benefits appear focused on goals such as improved health, when you consider how a healthier mouth contributes to your fiscal wellbeing over the years, you begin to realize the investment’s true value.

Here’s a quick overview of some ways dental implants can be a good investment for patients dealing with tooth loss.



What Makes Dental Implants A Good Investment?

  1. Dental implants can last a lifetime. Dental implants hold up well year after year when cared for properly.
  2. Dental implants can improve oral health. There are risks to your gums and to the health of your remaining natural teeth with dentures or bridges. Implants reduce chances you’ll spend extra money resolving a gum infection or repairing teeth altered by bridge work.
  3. Dental implants can improve your ability to chew. Denture-wearers may find the foods easiest to eat with dentures contain high amounts of calories, fat, and sugar. Poor nutrition leads to expensive (potentially deadly) medical issues. Implants allow a return to eating nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, and nuts.
  4. Dental implants can stop bone loss in your jaw. With loss of natural teeth, it’s possible to lose as much as 25 percent of the width of your jawbone in the first year. Because dental implants gradually integrate into your jaw, they provide stimulation to the bone similar to your natural teeth and can slow or halt bone deterioration.

“When I discuss the value of dental implants with patients, I remind them that the benefits of implants become obvious over time, often exceeding initial expectations,” says Dr. Jacqueline S. Allen, who practices at the Phoenix Endodontic Group. “Our clinicians are delighted to discuss how dental implants may address your specific oral health challenges.”