
Eradicating Bad Breath: The Simple Steps to Keeping Your Mouth Fresh and Clean

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Eradicating Bad Breath: The Simple Steps to Keeping Your Mouth Fresh and Clean


Do you find yourself avoiding conversations and social interactions because of the embarrassment caused by bad breath? Are you constantly worrying that what comes out of your mouth isn’t pleasant to be around? You don’t have to live this way! With a few simple steps, it is possible to keep your mouth feeling fresh and clean throughout the day. In this blog post, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about eradicating bad breath for good – from every day oral hygiene habits to special products available on the market that can help combat any lingering odor issues. Read on for more information about keeping your breath fresh and clean!

Causes of Bad Breath

The most common cause of bad breath, also known as halitosis, is lack of proper oral hygiene. If bacteria and food particles are allowed to accumulate on the tongue, they can start to decompose and give off an unpleasant odor. Other causes can include sinus issues, acid reflux, gum disease, dry mouth, or certain medications.

Halitosis Symptoms

The symptoms of halitosis can include:

  • A white coating on the tongue especially at the back of the tongue
  • Dry mouth
  • Build up around teeth
  • Post-nasal drip, or mucous
  • Morning bad breath and a burning tongue
  • Thick saliva and a constant need to clear your throat
  • Constant sour, bitter metallic taste.

Having halitosis can have a major impact on a person. Because of bad breath, other people may back away or turn their heads. This can cause a loss of confidence and self-esteem.

Chronic Bad Breath

If you are dealing with chronic bad breath, it is important to get to the root of the issue. Consulting a medical professional can help determine whether any underlying medical conditions may be contributing to your bad breath. For example, sinus infections, acid reflux, or other gastrointestinal issues may need to be addressed in order to get rid of your bad breath for good.

Oral Hygiene Habits to Fight Halitosis

Good oral hygiene habits are essential for keeping your breath smelling fresh and clean. These include brushing twice a day, flossing regularly, using a tongue scraper or brush to remove bacteria from the tongue, and drinking plenty of water. Additionally, you should avoid foods that are high in sugar or acidity, as these can contribute to bad breath.

Special Products for Bad Breath

For individuals dealing with chronic bad breath, there are special products available on the market that can help. These can range from specially-formulated toothpastes and mouthwashes to tongue cleaners, mints, and more. However, it is important to note that these products cannot cure bad breath entirely – instead, they can help mask the odor and provide temporary relief from embarrassing situations.

Home Remedies

To reduce or prevent bad breath, Mayo Clinic suggests these home remedies:

  • Brush your teeth after you eat. Keep a toothbrush at work to use after eating. Brush using a fluoride-containing toothpaste at least twice a day, especially after meals. Toothpaste with antibacterial properties has been shown to reduce bad breath odors.
  • Floss at least once a day. Proper flossing removes food particles and plaque from between your teeth, helping to control bad breath.
  • Brush your tongue. Your tongue harbors bacteria, so carefully brushing it may reduce odors. People who have a coated tongue from a significant overgrowth of bacteria (from smoking or dry mouth, for example) may benefit from using a tongue scraper. Or use a toothbrush that has a built-in tongue cleaner.
  • Clean dentures or dental appliances. If you wear a bridge or a denture, clean it thoroughly at least once a day or as directed by your dentist. If you have a dental retainer or mouth guard, clean it each time before you put it in your mouth. Your dentist can recommend the best cleaning product.
  • Avoid dry mouth. To keep your mouth moist, avoid tobacco and drink plenty of water — not coffee, soft drinks or alcohol, which can lead to a drier mouth. Chew gum or suck on candy (preferably sugarless) to stimulate saliva. For chronic dry mouth, your dentist or physician may prescribe an artificial saliva preparation or an oral medication that stimulates the flow of saliva.
  • Adjust your diet. Avoid foods such as onions and garlic that can cause bad breath. Eating a lot of sugary foods is also linked with bad breath.
  • Regularly get a new toothbrush. Change your toothbrush when it becomes frayed, about every three to four months, and choose a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  • Schedule regular dental checkups. See your dentist on a regular basis — generally twice a year — to have your teeth or dentures examined and cleaned.

Professional Help

If you are dealing with chronic bad breath and it is not improving despite your best efforts, consulting a dentist or doctor may be necessary. They can provide insight into any underlying medical conditions that could be causing the issue and suggest lifestyle changes or treatments for resolving it.

Eradicating bad breath does not have to be a daunting task. With the right combination of good oral hygiene habits, special products, and professional help if necessary, it is possible to keep your breath smelling fresh throughout the day – and no more avoiding conversations or social interactions!

Make an Appointment with Mountain Aire Dentistry

If you are looking for comprehensive dental care to help keep your breath smelling fresh and clean, make an appointment with Mountain Aire Dentistry today. Our team can provide advice on how to maintain good oral hygiene as well as specialized treatments if necessary. Contact us now to schedule an appointment!


291 E Flatiron Crossing Dr,
Broomfield, CO 80021

(303) 731-7755


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