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The Right Cloud Based Practice Management System For DSOs

By Planet DDS
March 31, 2021

Dental offices have plenty of good reasons to join a dental support organization (DSO); one of the biggest is that it makes things easier for their office staff. But if you’re leading a DSO, life is anything but simple. You’re juggling a lot of complex situations, and you can’t afford to let any of them fall. 

This is where a cloud based practice management system can be really useful. It can relieve many of the pain points associated with running a DSO. 

Innovations over the past 20 to 30 years have changed how dental offices access and manage data. For dentistry, practice management software has made patient scheduling, data access and storage, treatment planning, patient communication and numerous other routine workflows so much easier. 

Practice management systems are designed to help DSOs operate more efficiently. But DSOs everywhere are reaching the limits of systems that are tethered to in-house, local client servers.  

This is where Planet DDS comes in! Our Denticon practice management software platform is built specifically for a cloud dental model, meaning staff can access up-to-date data from anywhere and centralize their operations, all with state-of-the-art security measures protecting that data. 

Moving to the Cloud 

These days, many data storage options are cloud-based, and people can be hesitant to transfer away from traditional approaches that use local, physical data storage and management systems. At the same time, though, those local storage systems are constrained in ways cloud-based systems aren’t. Cloud-based systems are easily accessible from anywhere there’s a secure internet connection and they don’t require local server setups or bulky computer hardware. 

More than 80% of health care organizations — including a growing number of solo dental practices, group practices and DSOs — use cloud-based data storage systems. And those who use them typically love what they can offer: 

  • Data accessibility 
  • Centralized control of patient information and practice metrics 
  • Improved security 
  • Regular updates without service interruption 
  • Organizational scalability 
  • Cost savings 

Managing multiple dental practices under a DSO is complex, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But complex organizations have complex challenges that a cloud based practice management system can better equip you to handle. 

Accessibility vs. Inaccessibility 

A basic pain point that many DSOs feel is limited access to patient and practice information when you need it — especially when you’re not in the office. 

With a cloud based practice management system, you can access your practice data from anywhere on any device as long as you have an internet connection. Functionality will depend on the cloud solution you select. 

Accessing a cloud-based solution’s capabilities relies on adequate training and practical implementation. When you’re initially evaluating platforms, ask questions that apply to setup, implementation and training: 

  • Is it easy to learn and navigate, especially on the fly? 
  • How intensive is the setup and related training? 
  • Is the training practical and available within a daily workflow or does it require a closed schedule? 

Security vs. Vulnerability 

Data breaches and HIPAA violations are a constant worry for DSOs. No system is 100% foolproof, but managing your organization in the cloud makes you much less vulnerable to these concerns. 

It’s a common misconception that being able to see your server on-site means greater security. The bigger question is: Who’s monitoring it around-the-clock? Cloud-based systems are more secure because qualified individuals are solely tasked with monitoring any threats. 

Cloud-based systems are commonly certified and ensure dental HIPAA compliance. Their security features are much more robust than a traditional in-house server setup. And cloud-based providers stand alongside you should a breach ever occur. If an in-house system is compromised, you’re basically on your own. 

It’s vital that you vet all aspects of a potential cloud vendor. Confirm that dental cybersecurity safeguards are in place, including data security, HIPAA certification and compliance, backup redundancy and support in the event of a breach. 

Cost-Effective vs. Cost-Intensive 

Software is an investment; there’s an upfront cost along with ongoing costs. Cloud-based solutions are no different. Cost-effectiveness will depend on the vendor and the built-in capabilities that come with your investment. 

Some cloud solutions are subscription-based. It’s important when considering one that you explore all the costs associated with your investment. 

Traditional server-based data storage systems often come with a licensing fee attached. Conversely, a cloud vendor typically charges a monthly fee. Confirm the fee structure before selecting a cloud-based solution, including the frequency of payment and what extra features are included. Will this be cost-effective as your organization grows?