When a natural tooth cannot be saved, one effective option is to have it replaced with a dental implant. Whether installed as an individual implant, though, or as part of an entire arch of replacement teeth, implants have a significant cost associated with them. Many dental insurance plans do not cover implant costs, although many dentists have financing options available. It’s important to weigh the benefits dental implants offer, to assess whether they are the right investment for you.

Dr. Jacqueline Allen Dental Implant Advanced Training

Reasons Dental Implants Are Worth It 

  1. Dental implants have high success and satisfaction rates. Studies have found the success rate for dental implants ranges anywhere from 95 percent to 99 percent and that more than 90 percent of patients are happy with the procedure.  
  2. Dental implants allow you to speak and eat normally. If you have lost most or all of your upper or lower arch of teeth, dental implants provide an alternative to dentures. You may feel more comfortable speaking and have an easier time chewing your food because the implants stay fixed in place, like your natural teeth.  
  3. Dental implants can prevent bone loss in your jaw. One of the impacts of losing multiple natural teeth is that your jaw can lose bone density, resulting in “facial sag” in the lower third of the face and causing additional oral health challenges. Some clients need a bone graft to ensure their jaw is strong enough to accept the implant. The implant process requires that the implant integrate into the jawbone, providing needed stimulation and halting the process of bone density loss in many cases.  
  4. Dental implants do not require extra care to maintain. Implants are designed to be durable and last a lifetime. You care for them the same way you care for your natural teeth – by brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and seeing your dentist on a regular basis.  

“Dental implants are a cost-effective solution for patients in a number of tooth-loss situations, and it is almost always a permanent solution,” says Dr. Jacqueline S. Allen, a practitioner at the Phoenix Endodontic Group. “Our practice performs a thorough pre-procedure examination and we are happy to discuss the specific benefits you may expect from choosing an implant.”