
How to Protect Your Child’s Teeth This Halloween 

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How to Protect Your Child’s Teeth This Halloween 


No matter your age, Halloween candy is a fun treat. Children and adults alike both enjoy the treats that come along with this annual spooky day. You have to be careful with your teeth around Halloween, but you don’t have to deny your child the fun that comes with the day because of it. However, it’s important to enjoy all of the treats safely to protect your dental health.

If you have a child that plans on trick-or-treating, or if you plan on sneaking candy out of their baskets, here’s how you can protect your teeth. 

Dangers of Halloween Candy

The biggest danger of Halloween candy is the risk for cavities. Bacteria in your mouth thrive on the sugar that comes along with your favorite treats. When the sugar and the candy leftovers meet the bacteria in your teeth, a weak acid forms. This acid is what contributes to cavities. 

The 411 of Halloween Candy 

You don’t have to skip the trick-or-treating though. The American Dental Association’s MouthHealthy blog is here to save the day, however, with their list of the best and work candy to enjoy on Halloween. Here’s what they say: 

  • Chocolate: as far as candy goes, this is your best option. This is good news because it’s in most popular candy bars that are handed out. Why is it the best option? It’s because it washes off your teeth easier. If you opt in for dark chocolate treats, they tend to have less sugar than other kinds. 
  • Sticky and gummy candies: the ADA says, ‘be picky if it’s sticky!’ Sticky candies are the worst for your teeth because they are harder to remove from your teeth, meaning the bacteria in your mouth has longer to cling to the sugar and begins to contribute to cavities. 
  • Hard candy: another candy to be weary of this Halloween is hard candy. If you’re not careful, you can break your teeth when eating hard candy. Also, just like sticky candy, it can last in your mouth longer. 
  • Sour candy: if it makes you pucker up, you should probably pass. Sour candy can be sticky and coated in sugar, plus the bitterness tends to be very acidic, which can weaken and damage the outer shell of your teeth — which makes you more vulnerable to cavities. 
  • Popcorn balls: another popular Halloween treat is popcorn balls. If you want one of these fan-favorites this Halloween, make sure you floss after eating it. Popcorn kernels can get stuck in between your teeth, plus these popcorn balls are usually sticky and loaded with sugar too. 

How to Protect Your Teeth After Halloween

Once you’re done enjoying your treats after a night of trick-or-treating, be sure you really focus on cleaning your teeth. Additionally, we know you’ll probably be enjoying these treats for a few days after Halloween, which means you’ll need to make sure to follow the same steps anytime you enjoy some candy. 

While you should be brushing and flossing each day anyway, it’s important to be extra diligent this time of the year with all the sugar you’re consuming. It’s also important to monitor how your children are brushing and flossing properly too so they don’t get a cavity. 

WebMD provides these tips to make sure you’re setting your child’s teeth up for success: 

  • As soon as the treats are enjoyed, have your children brush and floss their teeth soon after. 
  • Use a fluoride mouth rinse that will help fight bacteria and decay.
  • If the child is under the age of 7, be sure you are helping them brush (not just supervising!) However, even when they’re older, you should be making sure they are brushing and flossing each day so they make it a habit. 
  • Keep brushing fun for your children. For Halloween, make one of their ‘treats’ a new toothbrush that they’ll be excited to use. You can find one with their favorite TV character or color that you will know they will love. 

Make an Appointment with Mountain Aire Dentistry

At Mountain Aire Dentistry, we are pleased to offer complete dentistry for your entire family. We are here to take care of your family’s smiles for life. No matter if your child needs to have their first trip to the dentist, or if you have a sensitive tooth you need Dr. Bockrath to look at, our office is able to do it all. If you have any questions or just think your teeth need a good cleaning after Halloween, call our office now to get on the books: (303)-731-7755. 


291 E Flatiron Crossing Dr,
Broomfield, CO 80021

(303) 731-7755


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